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DIAL Development Conference 

Shocks in Developing Countries

June 30th and July 1st 2011, Paris


Submissions are now closed

 The University of Paris-Dauphine (UPD) and the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) jointly organize an international conference on development economics in Paris. The conference should provide a forum to discuss innovative theoretical and empirical research on micro and macro shocks and their impact on developing countries. Interested researchers are invited to send a paper dealing with one of the following suggested topics or a related one focused on developing countries:

  • Micro and macro-economic impacts of health shocks            

  • Economics of the family and informal social security networks

  • Income fluctuations and consumption smoothing

  • Migration and remittances as an insurance device

  • Micro-insurance and micro-credit

  • Volatility and external financial flows

  • Climate change and impacts of natural disasters

  • Impacts of exchange rate and international price fluctuations

  • Trade liberalisation and productivity shocks

  • Political instability and war


Keynote speakers: Ann Harrison (University of California, Berkeley) and Stefan Dercon (Oxford University).

Submitted papers can be sent in a preliminary form. Abstracts alone will not be accepted. Please submit your proposals including keywords and a 150 word abstract in PDF form by February 15th, 2011 via e-mail to: dial-conference@dial.prd.fr

The scientific committee will evaluate all proposals and give particular attention to originality, analytical rigor and policy relevance. The results of the selection process will be announced by April 4th, 2011.


Organizing committee: Philippe De Vreyer (UPD), Ivan Ledezma (UPD), Sabine Mage (UPD), Christophe Jalil Nordman (IRD), Xavier Oudin (IRD), Nelly Rakoto-Tiana (IRD), Julia Vaillant (IRD).

Scientific committee: Touhami Abdelkhalek (INSEA Rabat), Marta Castilho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Denis Cogneau (IRD and PSE), Philippe De Vreyer (UPD), Michael Grimm (ISS), Flore Gubert (IRD and PSE), Marc Gurgand (CNRS-PSE), Hanan Jacoby (World Bank), Sylvie Lambert (INRA-PSE), Aly Mbaye (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar), Sandrine Mesplé-Somps (IRD), El Mouhoub Mouhoud (UPD), Christophe Jalil Nordman (IRD), Marc Raffinot (UPD), Jean-Marc Siroën (UPD), James Tybout (Pennsylvania State University).



4  rue  d'Enghien  -  Paris 10 (France) Tél. 33 (0)1 53 24 14 50 / Fax 33 (0)1 53 24 14 51

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le  17 juin 2011