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DIAL Development Conference 

Shocks in Developing Countries

June 30th and July 1st 2011, Paris


Participants not presenting a paper are required to register before June 20th. The venue has limited capacity, therefore please note that meals are open to presenters and their coauthors only.

Register here

 Presenters and coauthors:

Attending the conference is free for all participants. However a small contribution of 10€ per day is asked to have the lunch and coffee breaks provided by the conference organisers.

There will be a gala dinner at the Musée d'Orsay on Thursday, June 30th (see museum restaurant). The price of the evening is 67€. This includes a visit of the Museum before the cocktail and dinner.

Whether participants opt for the lunch and/or gala dinner or not, we kindly ask all presenters to register before June 3rd.



4  rue  d'Enghien  -  Paris 10 (France) Tél. 33 (0)1 53 24 14 50 / Fax 33 (0)1 53 24 14 51

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Dernière mise à jour :

le  27 juin 2011